Who are you? One in 8 billion. Who are you, uninterrupted?
8 billion people. 8 billion meat suits. 8 billion identities. 8 billion names. 8 billion brains. 8 billions minds. 8 billion souls. 8 billion hearts beating … 8 billion thoughts. 8 billion feelings. 8 billion laughs. 8 billion cries. 8 billion visions. All together. All at once.
8 billion breaths. In. Out. In. Out. All together. All at once.
You’re one. You’re one in 8 billion realities that God created to look back at God.
You’re God, looking through you, back at God. Why would God do that? So that God can see God in 8 billion kaleidoscopic alternate realities, 8 billion simultaneous experiences. The multiplicity of 8 billion possibilities multiplied. What a trip.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Breathe in. In again. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Let it go.
Who are you?
You’re more than one. You’re the One. You’re God. You’re Goddess. My God.
You’re infinite possibilities, infinite realities, infinite Ones. You’re the Universe looking back at itself, through you, as you, at you, at itself. 8 billion times. All at once. You’re 8 billion possibilities. You’re 8 billion Creators. 8 billion brains, minds, hearts and souls in 8 billion meat suits. All coded. All seeing. All unique.
You’re God, created. Created in God’s image. You’re here to Create. You’re powerful. You’re magnificent.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. You’re Heaven looking through you back into Heaven, which is you. 8 billion times. 8 billion realities. All at once. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Deep breath in. Hold. Hold. Hold. Breathe in again. Hold. What a trip.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. My God. You’re infinite. You’re Heaven. You’re pure. You’re light. Your light shines bright, but it needs contrast.
You’re the Kingdom of Heaven looking back at itself through you. You’re light. Light shining into Dark. You’re the Kingdom of Heaven. God looking back at God. In His image.
You’re the One. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you … and so are the raging fires of Hell.
You know it. You’ve felt it. You’ve seen it. You are it. The love and the fury, intertwined. The light and the dark, interconnected. The mind and the soul, interlocked. The body and the spirit, interpreted. You’re all of it. All at once.
You created the wheel, the car, the building and lept over it. Made with God by you through you looking back at God. Built the city, destroyed the land, created work, created life, took it away. Plunged the ocean, sailed the seas, crossed the skies, dropped the bombs and launched into the cosmos.
You’re the Kingdom of Heaven and the raging fires of Hell.
Take that rage and solve a problem. What pisses you off so completely? What infuriates you about the way we are? What do you see in the world that is so wrong, so unjust, so triggering, so overwhelming?
What would God do? God is in you — is you — the Kingdom of Heaven looking back at God, looking at you, through you, to you, for you, for me, for the world.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Deep breath in. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Let it go.
What do you love about the world? Bring your Sacred Union of Love and Fury into the light. This is your Dharma. Solve what means something to you. Choose where you’re Being of Service. You’ve found your purpose. You’re on purpose.
Who are you? Why are you? Don’t wait until it’s too late to activate and initiate the innate. God looking at you, through you, back at itself. Activate. Tick tock body clock.
There’s a multi-angle assault for your attention designed to make you believe you’re powerless, disconnected and insignificant. You will activate your power and your fury. Tick tock body clock. Don’t wait can’t wait won’t wait.
God. Mother Nature. Nature. Human Nature. It’s you; it’s all You. The One. Nothing’s separate. We are One. The One. All together. All at once.
Unlocking your power is terrifying. Your pure potential. Power, fury and potential. God looking back at God through you.
Power without love, without a reason, without regard, without care, without vision is sheer darkness. The raging fires of hell. Within you. The contrast. The shadow.
Yet potential without love, fury and action is nothing. Potential, purity, power, people, purpose. That’s the God looking back at God through you for you to you and back at God.
You’re the Universe looking back at itself through you. You’re the Creator. You’re magnificent.
Hold that thought. Breathe in. Hold that thought and breathe. Breathe out. Hold the thought. Hold the thought. Hold the thought. Hold. Hold. Hold. Deep breath in. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold that thought. Let it go.
You’re the Creator. You’re magnificent. You’re the One. Looking through you back at itself. You’re the universe looking back at itself through you. 8 billion times. All at once. 8 billion possibilities. All interconnected. All together. All breathing. All living. All being. All at once. What a trip.
You won’t find God while staring at the screen. Imagine if you could see yourself as God sees you. As you see God through you as you.
What would God do? God is in you — is you — the Kingdom of Heaven looking back at God, looking at you, through you, to you, for you, for me, for the world.
Who are you? What are you grateful for? What do you want to be grateful for? What problem can you solve? What reality do you dream to manifest?
What’s the greatest technology that ever existed, and will ever exist? You. The One. You’re God. You’re Heaven. You’re Hell. You’re the Universe. All looking through you and back at you, as you look back into Them.
Imagine if … and create.
I LOVE your writing.