My prayers for you
As we commence a new week, I’d love to offer you a series of short prayers, direct from my spirit.
I pray that when you next look into the mirror, you see God. I pray that you’re able to gaze into your own eyes and, as you witness God witnessing God’s creation, you embrace the unique magic that is you.
I pray that as you look into your earthly body, you recognise that you’re perfection.
I pray that you see yourself as whole and complete. I pray that no post, no advertisement, no person, no brand, no faith, no belief, no expectation can tell you otherwise.
I pray that as you’re gazing into the mirror, you’re able to love yourself, forgive yourself, show compassion towards yourself and promise yourself that from this moment on, you will take care of yourself.
I pray that as you look at your physical being, that you recognise it’s God’s temple and you commit to nourishing it, moving it, loving it.
I pray that when you step away from that mirror, and as you find love, forgiveness, compassion and care, you embody this and take it with you and give the same to those who you call family, blood or otherwise.
I pray that as you step outside you see God. I pray that you see God in the trees, the flowers, the bees, the butterflies, the rocks, the sand, the cliffs, the land. I pray that as you walk, you see God in everyone you pass. I pray that you see God in the downtrodden, the addicted, the defeated, the challenged, the weak. I pray that you see God in the oppressor, the thief, the victor, the destroyer.
I pray that you succeed in all aspects of your Being: your home, your love, your work, your body, your mind and your spirit. I pray that when you experience a fall, you embrace the lessons and let failure become an experience that’s part of your lifelong learning, and not a finality.
I pray that as you set about your day, you see God in the excitement, the mundane and the day to day plain. I pray that your work, no matter how toiled, gives you joy and meaning. I pray that as you toil, you uncover your gifts, you see your Divine, you find your purpose.
I pray that as you eat your next meal, it’s one that nourishes your cells and your soul. I pray that as you take each bite, you recognise the source, the efforts, the people, the journey it took to get to your plate. I pray that as you eat, you’re able to give yourself some time to reflect and review.
I pray that you smile and you look into another person’s soul, and as you look, you see God. I pray that they see you and as they look, they too see God.
I pray that the toils and chores of the day take just enough energy that you’re able to gently rest that sacred vessel called a body.
I pray that when you experience the loss of a loved one, the pain of grief is filled with a love for the covenant of life. I pray that you know, they are still here, seeable through your heart, in the precious beauty of grief.
I pray that you life your life with such love, such power, such wholeness, such completeness, that when if you’re afforded the final moments of reflection, you can review your time on this mortal coil with love, appreciation and grace and whisper these final words: “that was magnificent.”
I pray that your light shines into eternity.
With love,
On Charbel. You are magnificent. Your prayer is magnificent. THANK YOU.