I don’t care if you’re male female in between or an extreme.
I don’t care if you have tits or balls or either or neither.
I don’t care if you’re straight gay fluid or Druid
I don’t care what you drive what you wear the colour of your skin or the style of your hair.
I don’t care about your house your car your boat your bag your tags.
I don’t care which you believe: God, God, God or Goddess.
I don’t care how old how fast or even if you’re last.
I don’t care if you’re lean lanky stocky or stout.
I don’t care if you’re meek fierce or have looks that can pierce.
I don’t care for your school your college your suburb or your town.
I don’t care where you work what you do what your craft — so who are you?
Who are you if you strip every single identity layer away?
Who are you when you strip away your name, age, job, colour, race, location, university, relationship, religion, skin, face, conversation? Strip it all back, strip it all away. Play with it. Take it all out of your consciousness. One by one, remove them.
Who are you without having to be something for someone? Mother father sister brother daughter son. Who are you without having to play a role? Boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, significant or insignificant other. Who are you with no degree, no job, no home, no place? Who are you without a country, a city, a colour, a race?
Who are you, uninterrupted?
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." - Oscar Wilde
Every layer every mask every face every facade; a series of unreplenished exhales.
I want to see YOU, the essence of YOU. I don’t care about you, the constructed you. I care about YOU, the creator YOU.
I want to reach in and touch your soul. I want to lean in and know your spirit. I want to bestill and hear the whispers of your essence. I want to pause and feel your power.
As I reach, lean, bestill and pause, I want to know YOU, not you. And as I know YOU, I want to know that YOU are me, and I am YOU.
As I reach, lean, bestill, pause and know, I can then reapply the layers: the roles, the duties, the accoutrements, the masks.
As I learn who I am, I can be more for me, more for YOU, and more for the world.
My prayer for YOU is that you erase all of you, until you know the real YOU. Then we play, then we dance, then we create.
Shall we?
I care about YOU 🩷
God I love you!